Then, reviews and an op-ed from yours truly: Trying to find the best ways to send files online.Trying to find the best file sync service.If you're looking for a the best apps for syncing and sharing files online, here's some articles to check out: Over at Web.AppStorm, we've had a number of articles lately on keeping your files synced, and then the best ways to share your files online. Again, many of the most important fonts (Minion and Myriad Pro, in my opinion) are included in both, which is especially a nice bonus for users of the cheaper Photoshop Elements. So, as a followup to my original post about the fonts in CS4, CS5, and Elements 8, here's a list of the fonts included in Adobe CSS and Photoshop Elements 10. They do usually list the fonts in Creative Suite (though I only found that after searching Adobe's site manually, as it, strangely enough, is almost impossible to find via search), but not in the cheaper Elements. Microsoft and Apple both list the fonts included with their software, for the most part, and since Adobe's products are typically used for creative production, you'd tend to think they'd list their fonts as well. Two years ago, I noticed that Adobe doesn't publically list the fonts included in all their apps. Yet another reason to love the OS X built in Dictionary and spelling/grammar check! Fonts Included with Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 10 You can browse through the suggested words using your arrows, and enter the word selected by hitting Tab, all without leaving your keyboard. and see if the word you were looking for is in that list. So, if you're trying to type a word and only know the first part of the word, this little trick just might come to your rescue. Turns out, that's a standard OS X keyboard shortcut that works in most apps (though, interestingly, not in most browsers since they use CMD+. and got a small popover showing suggested words that started with the word I'd already typed. I was posting a tweet in Wren, and was typing a period then CMD+Enter to send the tweet. It's always nice to stumble across a new trick, which is what I just did a few moments ago. Yet another handy, focused app that makes your phone the best multipurpose tool ever! ∞ Find Suggested Words in OS X With CMD+. Just enter the local exchange rate, and the amount you're trying to exchange, and it'll show you what you're really being charged for the exchange. Dmitry Dragilev, who I've worked with on articles in the past, is currently on a round-the-world trip, and he just released this new iPhone app to make you feel more certain you're getting a good deal when you're getting your currency exchanged.

Currency differences, like time and other measurements, can be hard to adjust to, and it's easy to feel like you're losing money at every turn when traveling abroad. One of the most frustrating parts of traveling abroad can be currency exchange, especially when you feel like you're getting a bad deal on the local currency.